A Multi-touch Application Development Framework

Friday, February 15, 2008

Tracking Demo

Well , i'll be discussing with you the TrackingDemo application .

This demo aims to test the Tracking module "twTracker" , the TrackingDemo application is a C# application , it recieves each frame a list of updated blobs from the Tracker and draws this list using GDI+ with a different color for each blob.

TrackingDemo contains one main Class "TrackingSimulator" , it contains a HashTable of the current blobs , the blob ID is the key of the HashTable , each frame a sequence of messages is sent from Touchwork application to the TrackingDemo application :
- A Start message of ID "5002" , contains the number of blobs in this frame used in initialization.
- N number of messages each of ID "5000" contains: blobID , blobPosition ( x , y ) and blobPressure ( number of pixels in the blob ) ,,, where N is the number of blobs in this frame.
-An end message of ID "5001" , signifies the end of frame so as to start processing the input and draw the blobs.

Now i have a list blobs from the TrackingModule , and i have the HashTable of my current blobs , so i compare using ID to check the state of each blob , i have 3 cases :
1)- New Blob : The ID is not found in the Hashtable , so this is a new blob , i generate a random Color for it.
2)- Updated Blob : The ID exists in the Hashable , so i update the position of the blob , and it mentains its color.
3)- Removed Blob : The remaining blobs in the hashTable which don't match any blob in the list of new blobs are removed from the hashTable.

Now that i updated my list of Blobs , i draw each of them in their position with their given color , and the blobPressure is used to determine the raduis of the drawn circle.

Thats it ,, the TrackingDemo is finished and worked well , also it proved that the Tracking module is working good E7L .

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